~ links for navigating in this journal ~

Dec 31, 2015 12:00

My journal is now "friends only." If you want me to friend you, say something here and I will friend you! Introduce yourself! I may not even notice you friended me if you don't say something!

I am a pretty open and honest guy. I talk about just about everything and anything.

And then a few people I am acquainted with started talking to me about my journal. People who’ve been reading it for years. People who don't even have a journal!

I suddenly began to realize that anybody could be reading! *gasp* What if I made an entry about playing hooky from work and a co-worker read it? *gasp*

So say, "Melon," -- "Friend" -- and enter!

Be warned! With me, what you see is what you get! It is my journal so I can say whatever I want to say! With no apologies!

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