Title: The Day Sebastian Put Himself to Good Use (or, The Day Sebastian Became a Klainer)
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,258
Summary: Takes place after Kurt and Blaine's fight in Kurt's bedroom. Blaine looks to Sebastian for help.
Warnings: Spoilers for 3x17 (Dance with Somebody)
Author's Note: You should probably all sue me for writing something other than Manorexic. WHOOPS. I started writing Klaine and I couldn't stop. Their perfectness has pushed me to my limit and I deal with my fangirling by writing fics. Don't worry, Manorexic will still be updated, but just...prepare for Klaine. My sincerest apologies to those of you who don't watch Glee. Any by that I mean I apologize for the fact that you don't get to have heart attacks about how disgustingly adorable Klaine is every day of their lives.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, or Kurt, or Blaine, or Sebastian, (or Chandler, though I wouldn't admit ownership of that anyway), and if I did, there would be no singing, only gay sex every single episode, and it would be so NC-17 it almost isn't funny, but it's kind of funny. Mostly very erotic.
A single tear has finally broken free and is in the process of trailing down his cheek when he taps Sebastian’s name on his phone and it starts to ring.
“Blaine?” He’s confused, and why shouldn’t he be? They haven’t spoken much since he apologized before Regionals. Blaine takes a deep breath before speaking, making certain his voice isn’t going to crack or catch.
“Hey,” he says, and it was mostly futile, because he sounds miserable, he knows that. Sebastian is silent for a moment.
“You okay?”
Blaine shakes his head. Sniffs. “No. Can you meet me at the Lima Bean?”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
* * *
“So,” Sebastian says, eyebrows furrowed, one hand curled around his cup of coffee, no Courvoisier this time around. He’s taken only a few sips, having been listening intently as Blaine recounted the whole story, from having been worried about Kurt’s inevitable move to New York up until finding Chandler’s texts on his phone. “This happened yesterday?” Blaine nods. Sebastian sighs, appearing genuinely concerned. It’s a bit startling, to be honest.
“I know it wasn’t - wasn’t real cheating, I get that, I just -”
“Hey,” Sebastian says, cutting him off with a small smile. “You don’t have to defend yourself. I may not be the most conventional person in the world, but I do know how much you love Kurt, and I can appreciate the significance of the situation.”
Blaine breathes a bit easier. He’d never have imagined himself being comforted by Sebastian, and for having being cheated on, of all things. By Kurt, no less. He feels, for just a moment, like he’s dreaming, and in that second he’s almostsure he’s about to wake up; that he’s going to open his eyes, and there Kurt’s going to be, cuddled up in his arms, his face lax with sleep, hair mussed, smiling softly.
He doesn’t wake up, though, and he has to face the reality of his miserable life once again. He shakes his head, lets loose a quiet, scornful chuckle.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,” he admits, looking up at Sebastian, who is taking another sip of his coffee. “I love him. I love him so much. And ninety-nine percent of me can’t even look at breaking up with him as a real option …”
“And the other one percent?” Sebastian presses.
Blaine looks down at his cup of chilling coffee and forces himself not to cry in the middle of a semi-crowded coffee shop. It’s the middle of the school day and Blaine had left after having sung to Kurt. He didn’t ask Sebastian why he’d been willing to miss school. He guessed it wasn’t the first time, anyway.
“And the other one percent keeps telling me to get over it, break up with him, because it’s Kurt, and he’s beautiful, and smart, and perfect, and this is only going to keep happening, especially once he’s in New York, because who isn’t going to want him? And even if he tried, at first, to say no, there’s bound to besomeone who catches his eye, right? I mean -”
“Blaine,” Sebastian says, placing a hand over Blaine’s, a small, reassuring smile on his face. Blaine swallows noisily. “Listen. I don’t … I won’t pretend to see what you do in him. Yeah, he’s witty, I’m sure he’s smart. He’s kinda cute, I guess, if you’re into that.” He shrugs, still smiling, and Blaine chokes out a laugh. “But the one thing I got out of that whole - debacle is that he really,really cares about you.”
Blaine’s eyes water and he squeezes them shut, willing the tears away. He can’t cry in public. He can’t. When he opens them again, Sebastian is waiting for him to calm down. He presses his lips together. Nods.
“This Chandler kid sounds like a joke. Not to mention a total creep. Maybe Kurt liked those appalling texts at first because he felt lonely, but if I lost a guy to someone who would actually fall for that shit, I’m clearly not nearly as hot as I originally thought.”
Blaine full out laughs this time and shakes his head, suddenly overwhelmingly grateful for Sebastian, and it’s so strange.
“You pushed him away because you were scared to lose him, and you’re finding out that wasn’t the right choice. Doesn’t mean you can’t fix it, Blaine.”
The smile slips from Blaine’s face and he looks pleadingly at Sebastian.
“I don’t know how. What am I supposed to do? Tell him I did it on purpose?”
“That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do,” Sebastian says, sitting back in his chair and raising an eyebrow. He snorts. “I may not be the poster boy for an honest relationship, but I do know that if you want a real one you’ve gotta lay it on the line. Especially when it’s affecting you this strongly. You can’t just quietly distance yourself, particularly from someone like Kurt. He’s not gonna sit around and take it, and I think you know that.”
Blaine taps his fingers on the table. Absorbs this information. Sebastian’s right, of course, as bizarre as it is to admit that. He’s got to confront Kurt, tell him what was going on, explain to him why he hasn’t been flirty, or close, or sent him borderline filthy texts in over a month. He owes it to Kurt, and he owes it to himself. To be honest. To face this obstacle in their relationship that they’ve neatly avoided since it really began to sink in that Kurt’s going to college next year and I’m not.
“Thoughts?” Sebastian says, breaking him out of his inner monologue.
“You’re right.” He shrugs, shakes his head. Looks up. “I’ve been unfair. I shouldn’t have been surprised that he’d look for affection somewhere else.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that,” Sebastian laughs. “Don’t go around thinking you deserve to be cheated on just because you’re confused or scared about something. Life’s not easy, Anderson. It moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
Blaine watches him for a moment, trying to figure out why that sounds so familiar. Finally:
“Why did you just quote Ferris Bueller? That’s not even relevant.”
Sebastian shrugs and drains the last dregs of his coffee. “I dunno. Felt right. Lightened the mood. Whatever makes you happy. It was getting a little too deep in here.”
Blaine snorts and finally takes a sip of his coffee. Grimaces. Much too cold. He pushes it away.
“Well.” Sebastian pushes his chair out and straightens his blazer. Blaine smiles nostalgically at it. “As much as I love taking care of your relationship issues, I really must be going. Missing class is one thing, missing Warbler practice is another.”
“You’re lucky Wes isn’t there anymore. He had a gavel.”
“We still have a gavel.”
“Then they got a new one. I know for a fact he stole it.”
“That’s … weird.”
Blaine nods and stands up. “I know. Wes is weird.” He tosses his coffee and slaps Sebastian on the shoulder. “Thanks for that, man. I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” Sebastian returns with a smile. “Well, not any time. Try not to maketoo many stupid decisions. However, I will definitely be here for you next year if you need some company.”
Blaine smacks his arm and Sebastian fairly howls with laughter.
“Kidding, kidding,” he mumbles, and follows Blaine out of the coffee shop.