Nov 08, 2011 19:41
1. Saffron Tea - Sex pollen-style tea. (You know how this works already. XP)
2. Strawberry Rhubarb Tea - Sex-Swap tea.
3. Vanilla Black Tea - Alignment Swap tea ("Good" to "Bad", "Bad" to "Good")
4. Rose Hip Tea - Age Changing tea. (older or younger is up to the mun, mentally the same, though)
5. White Tea - Childlike innocence tea (muse stays the same age physically, but behaves like a child upon drinking.)
6. Mate Tea - Energy Tea (Like a caffeine buzz and then some, muse has more energy than they know how to deal with)
7. Mint Tea - Honest Tea (No brain-mouth filter. Muse thinks it? Muse says it. Complete honesty)
8. Rose Tea - Romance Tea (All flirting and eye-batting and wooing. Like your muse stepped out of a romance novel. Fabio not included)