Nov 18, 2005 16:12
Ok this is the second one I've done, but now it's a tradition. I am going to discuss the movie in some detail, so if you don't want spoilers, don't read. Though I don't see how you can spoil the movie if you've read the books, and all of my friends on here have read the books and the one that hasn't >_> (Marise), has seen the movie.
Overall, I thought the movie was better than the third one, but it would be hard to make one worse. As I say to Marisa in the note with her present I will send...sometime...^^0, 2 hours of Harry and Hermione making out would be better than the third movie. These aren't in any particular order, just when I thought of them
And while it looks like I didn't like it, it's just that I can think of alot more things wrong with it than I can good about it. I'm a complainer lol. Movie #2 is still the best though.
Things I liked:
-Moaning Mertle. I was afraid they would cut her out, but her part is too cool for school!
-The Weird Sisters. Ok, and the whole Yule Ball in general was good. *Goes to make a Weird Sisters band shirt*
-Rita Skeeter. They did a good job on her! Didn't really go into her story though.
-Draco-ferret. Enough said.
-The wands connecting. Yea, I know they didn't really explain it, and I'll have to explain what's going on to my mom when I see it with her and Taryn. But the part with Cedric was sad. I teared up, I'll admit it.
-Ron having personality. You mean he can do more than look scared?!
-The twins. How can they not be on this list? And they were in it more than expected. However, no magic joke food from them... T T
-Neville. He's just great.
-The pensieve.
Things I didn't like:
-The movie went by WAY too fast. Yea, I know they can't make a 7 hour movie, but this one was just *blink* *MOVIE OVER*!
-They cut out the Dursley's house! The ten ton tongue toffee part is too cool!
-When did Flitwick become the love child of Hitler and Mr. Peanut?
-Madame Maxime. Like, OMG, she is totally the new Lupin! Cause I totally hated Lupin's portrayal last year, get it? I like how they didn't go into her backstory at all, and just made her freaky.
-The dragon challenge. Since when did Harry trying to get around the dragon turn into a 30 min chase around the grounds, complete with Harry hanging onto the roof for dear life, while his ugly broom *which is too lame for Sirius to have given him* has ugly prongs that make it stick on the roof under him? And they kill the dragon?! What was that?! *votes for dead dragon as new Minister of Magic*
-The whole way they did the talking in the fireplace thing. That was just ugly. And the only time Sirius was in it!!! But then again...I don't like how Sirius is portrayed *ponders if Sirius barely being in it should be under things I liked or didn't)
-How they made Harry be the perfect hero, and none of the other champions have redeeming qualities. They made Viktor be kind of stuck up/show off-y. He isn't! He's kind of shy/awkward. I also didn't like how they had Cedric. They did stay in character through most of the movie, but at the very end in the maze, they had him and Harry shoving each other to get to the cup! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!! Cedric is more noble/nice than that and they needed to show that. Harry is hurt and Cedric stands there refusing to take it. Then Cedric helps Harry get to the cup! And at the graveyard, Harry notices what it says on the gravestone and yells at Cedric to go to the Portkey for like 5 min. NO!! NO!! They are making it seem like Cedric died because he is stupid/doesn't listen to Harry, instead of the *poof**Voldemort**Dead*
You know it's ok to like other characters besides Harry, future directors. They can have good qualities and be likable.
-Not having Veela. That part was cool. Instead Fluer was just some blonde chick. Lame.
-Beaubatons being all girls/Durmstrang being all boys.
-The third task not having the Sphnix/any magical challenges other than scary vines. I guess they wasted the entire effects budget on the dragon chase scene.
-No house elves. I guess we will never see Dobby again....
-The way they simplified the main plot. Like very, very much so. I guess they didn't want to confuse people, but still....
-No Ludo Bagman. He would have been cool.
-Alright, the second task lol. Yea, I've complained about all the tasks now. I didn't like the fact that the merpeople could sing a beautiful song in the egg, but in the lake all they did *basically* was grunt. Nice. The book merpeople were pretty cool, but these were lame. And the whole "Oh Noes!!111 Harry is in needless danger that he was never really in!!!!11 By some octopus babies1!!" I guess those were supposed to be grindylows, LAME grindylows!
-Them not explaining about the wands being brothers. From Fawkes.
-Them not mentioning that Wormtail owes Harry. Did they even mention that in the third movie? Ha, I doubt it!
-Them not explaining how Barty Crouch Jr. got out of Azkaban. I guess after Sirius escaped, they gave up and will let anybody out who asks nicely.
-Dumbledore being mean/shaking Harry. What WAS that?!?
-The fact that Harry has a sprained arm in a sling for like 2 days....that's what magic is for people....
-The ending. It was just lame. There was no, ok we need to warn people-ness. There was no touching scene w/ Harry and Mrs. Weasley. It was lame.
I guess that's all, unless I remember some other stuff. Me, posting twice in one day?! New record!
KBS: 2 posts