Feb 08, 2005 23:06
Thats right folks Two days without being able to see Amanda ans already im feeling it. Its weird how so much emotion can be centered around one person. I guess I never really noticed it until now because I was always too happy to care while I was near her every day.
I went into the Lab in Physics today so I could my lab and write up. One of the things I had to do was make a relatively realistic sketch of a person. I was trying to get it done as fast as fast as possible cause I really didnt care what it looked like. But then, as I was drawing, I realized that I was drawing Amanda. All the proportions were exactly how I remember them, even the eyes. It was one of the weirdest things to ever happen to me, but I just sat back, smiled, and found it almost impossible to get any more work done cause I was thinking about how much I miss her after only two days.
I couldnt even stay angry tonight after my indoor soccer team blew another game to put us at 0-2 (they are a bunch of pussies who cant take hits and whine constantly). I just put on my Maroon 5 cd and thought about Mandy the whole way home. It made me happy until i realized that Im not gonna get to really see her until next week.
However, I will get to see her tomorrow at her basketball game at COM, even though I may not get to talk to her, Im gonna take whatever I can get at this point.
Anyway, This is me signing off, miss you sweet cheeks.