An open letter to the people who run "Merlin"

Oct 29, 2012 19:40

To Whom it May Concern:

I have been watching “Merlin” since the beginning, and have enjoyed it immensely.  It’s good entertainment, with a compelling cast of characters and it is honest fun, fantasy escapism.

That being said, I am very disappointed in how King Arthur and Queen Guinevere’s marriage has been depicted this series.

As a bit of background, I have been happily married for fourteen years, so my comments come from experience, not speculation.

Thus far we’ve seen them interact one-on-one a total of three times, and all three scenes have been very short and without much depth.

We were promised a loving relationship full of depth and trust, where Gwen is Arthur’s confidante.  Why haven’t we seen it?  Yes, we’ve seen hints that Arthur trusts her.  We heard him tell his father’s ghost that he loves her more than he can express; we heard him (sort of) tell her he loves her.  So why are they rarely together?  Don’t just tell us.  Show us.

I worry that you, the people running the show and calling the shots, are afraid of showing true romantic love, hiding behind the “family show” banner.  Well, they are married now.  What’s the harm in showing some affection?

I’m not expecting a full-on love scene in bed; that would be too much to ask, I’m sure.  But even Uther and his troll got there.  Were you able to show us that because it was comedic?

Love is a beautiful, magical thing.  Yes, I said magical.  Angel Coulby and Bradley James together on-screen have amazing chemistry and their scenes together are always excellent, elevating what is often lackluster writing into something moving and meaningful.

Love is not something to hide.  Yes, some children watching the show may yell “Gross!” at the television if two people kiss.  But you are showing these same children vengeful ghosts, a demented witch bent on power and endless battle scenes, blood or no blood.

People die on the show.  Every week.  Often violently.  This is all right to have on a “family show,” but some honest affection between a husband and his wife is swept under the table?

I’ve been hearing rumors about many of Angel Coulby’s scenes from these first four episodes landing on the cutting room floor.  Why?  She is one of the best actors on the show and Guinevere is one of the most fascinating characters on television.  Why push her aside like this?  Please stop misusing Ms. Coulby.  She deserves better.  You know this.  Is it really more important to see Arthur and Merlin behaving like 13-year-old boys and discussing the finer points of “horseplay” than to see Arthur having a meaningful conversation with his wife wherein he confesses that it was he who let his father’s spirit back into the world?

I’m afraid I know the answer, and it truly, truly disappoints me.

What are you afraid of?  The fans who prefer the Arthur/Merlin relationship over the Arthur/Gwen relationship?  Are you afraid that they are going to come and burn your offices down if you show Arthur and Gwen being happily married?  They are a vocal and passionate group, but they are not the only fans of the show.  Please start listening to all of the show’s fans, not just a segment of them.

It is possible to maintain a friendship and a marriage.  It is possible to show both relationships, fairly and even-handedly.  Arthur and Merlin and friends, Gwen and Merlin are friends, Arthur and Gwen are married.  Surely this balancing act cannot be that difficult to manage.

Please do not think that I do not like Merlin.  He’s lovely and wonderful (and it’s time he reveal his magic to Arthur, but that’s a different rant), and when I say that all of the Arthur/Gwen fans love Merlin, I am not exaggerating.  I wish the same could be said of the Arthur/Merlin fans’ attitudes towards Gwen (and Ms. Coulby).

The first four episodes have felt off-balance because of the lack of interaction between the king and queen.  Even some people in the Arthur/Merlin fan group are questioning the absence of scenes between husband and wife.

I realize it is too late for the episodes that are completed, but I ask that as you complete the rest of the episodes, please do bear in mind that the show has more than one type of fan.

We were promised a lovely and trusting relationship between Arthur and Guinevere.  Please don’t leave it on the cutting room floor.

You have no excuse.  Please do better in the upcoming episodes.

Thank you for your time.


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