Nov 15, 2004 14:56
Finals week has begun. Turned in some of my books and only got $16.50 back...bastards. Went to Java 101 for the first time ever to "study". Well I didnt end up studying b/c the fire alarm went off in the library and everyone had to evacuate. Ridiculous. And it was raining and cold. BUT I finally tried Chai tea ... bad idea. I LOVE IT. I'm gonna be there all the time now!! They mixed it with hot apple cider Mmm so good. Chem study group tonight, doubt it'll help. I have my first final tomorrow night from 6-8. Not too worried cuz chem is a breeze. I just wanna make sure I'm home in time for one tree hill! Thats about it, i'm comin home in 4 days YAY! I cant wait