
Emma Started it! (Random Survey - carrie, read #62 ;o))

Jan 02, 2006 01:53

1. How tall are you?: 5'5"

2. Do you own a gun?: a water gun! (i don't like real guns.)

3. Rehab? Counseling?: 12?

4. Have you ever killed an animal?: not to my knowledge. I almost hit a squirrel the other day with Justin in the car. I'm so glad my extremely scatterbrained self didn't dter him from accepting this job.

5. Are you Irish?: Nope

6. What do you think of hot dogs?: I like them when I'm in the mood. with LOTs of ketchup, or perhaps chili and cheese.

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?: Joy to the World, without a doubt.

8. What is your favorite smell?: peppermint tea

9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?: Orange Juice

10. Do you do push ups?: nope, do you?

11. Have you ever done ecstasy?: absolutely not

12. Have you been shot? who wrote this survey????

13. Have you ever been hospitalized?: nope *knock on wood*

14. Do you like pain killers?: depends on the pain, i suppose... i do try to avoid medicine in general as much as possible unless i really need it.

15. What is your secret weapon to lure in your preferred sex?: If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, now would it?

16. Do you own a knife?: yeah 9 or 10 of them... they're in my kitchen. (ok, that was emma's answer. it made me laugh, i kept it. again, i wonder where this survey came from....)

17. Do you have A.D.D?: sometimes i think so. But really I think i'm just a scattered person..

18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings?: I don't love it? It didn't bother me though...

19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Water, Diet Coke, Sweet Tea, Orange Juice, If I go "out" - a margarita.

20. What's In Your CD Player?: A Mix of some sort that i made last year...

21. Who is your best friend?: Mike and Rebecca... and that woman that gave birth to me... ;o)

22. What's Under Your Bed?: nothing, I just cleaned... so now it's just all carpet!

23. Current Hair? Mine.

24. What are you wearing? shorts and a t-shirt

25. Current Worry?: Money

26. Current Love?: Painting, Life in general.

27. Current Hate?: The mess in my apartment.

28. Favorite Place To Be?: Outside

29. Least Favorite Place?: The Dentist's office

30. If You Could Play an Instrument?: I would like to know how to play the piano. Not learn, just know. :oP

31. Favorite Colors?: Purple! Except to wear.. then.. pink, I think.

32. Person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? I'd like to spend some time catching up with Tut and Mikey... I miss them.

33. Where Would You Like To Go?: ADVENTURE!

34. Where do you want to live?:Isn't that the question of the month?

35. Favorite food?: Anything my parents cook, pretty much.

36. Color of most clothes you own?: black, i guess?

37. Number of pillows you sleep with?: 2-3
38. What do you wear when you go to sleep?: PJ pants or shorts and t-shirts

39. What were you doing 10 years ago?: 10 years ago today? I was... 14. I have no gosh-darned clue. You know what though? 7 years ago today (maybe tomorrow) I think Tut asked me out...

40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years?: 34. I hope i am married, with the start of a family... Lord only knows.

41. Are you paranoid?: nah. not worth it.

42. First piercing/tattoo?: piercing: ears, 2nd grade / tattoo: neck, Easter Sunday 2002

43. Last person you yelled at?: probably my dad, i don't yell often.

4. Latest crush?: no one right now.... :o( Any suggestions?

45. Last thing you ate?: gertrude hawk chocolates that i brought back to FL with me..

46. If you could be a pirate, would you?: for a day maybe. I'd want to be one of those pirates who don't do anything, though..

47. Do you have an iPod?: no, just a lil samsung MP3 player

49. What's in your pockets right now?: OH MY GOSH SOMEONE STOLE MY POCKETS oh wait, these shorts never had pockets....

50. What color are your bedroom walls?: a lovely off white.

51. last thing that made you laugh?: I don't know. Likely something mike said!

52. Any pets now?: just Rambo and Kewpie at mom and dad's house.. pretty soon probably jsut Kewpie...

53. inny or an outty?: Inny

54. do you have any piercings?: 2 in left ear, 3 in right.

55. If you were a crayon what color would you be?: macaroni and cheese (just because i love that there is a color named macaroni and cheese...and i love macaroni and cheese..............)

56. Have you ever won any awards?: yeah - mostly for art stuff in High School

57. How many TV's do you have in your house?: well, if you count the entire building as my house, probably close to 70-some. 1 in my apartment.

58. Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone or gotten stitches?: hairline fracture in my finger in high school... stitches in my mouth when I got my wisdom teeth out...

59. Who do you tell your dreams to?: i rarely remember my dreams. If they're bizarre enough to remember, I'd probably tell mike.

60. If you could pick one person to make out with who would it be?: I plead the fifth.

61. What do you think of the person who posted this before you?: I enjoy emma. I wish we had gotten to know each other a little better in college!

62. Screen Name?: Dell, 17 inch flat panel. I haven't given it a proper name yet. Maybe.... Charlie, after Lucille's son

63. Middle Name? Beth

64. What time is it EXACTLY?: 1:53am
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