(no subject)

Nov 30, 2007 14:09

My letter got printed in last week's E.W.!  Or, for the lesser nerds among you, Entertainment Weekly.  They edited the shit out of it (literally; I think I cursed a couple of times out of geek rage) but still, pretty rad.

Also: I am currently addicted to 30 Rock.  Everything Tina Fey touches turns to gold.  Ryan wants to divorce me for her, so if I discover that he suddenly has a shiny golden dick, his ass is out on the street.

Also also: Working in a school is weird, but I have finally come around on teaching as a career.  My contract with Urban Assembly lasts two years, so I'm going to take some English credits at night to become a certified double-threat, K-12, Theatre/English teacher. HOOO-A!
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