Check In #2 for Authors and Important Info!

May 20, 2014 10:36

Hi Authors!

Time for the second check-in of the challenge! Before we get to that, I'd like to mention that if you're going to drop out, please do so now by emailing, so we have enough time to find a pinch hitter.

Also, if you could please email any dates that you are NOT available to post between June and August, that would be wonderful. I'll be working on the schedule in the next week and if I'm not told who can't post at a certain time, I'll assume you can post whenever. Thank you!

Copy and Paste the following and answer it in a post.

Word Count:
Any Additional Info:

Let me know if you have any questions!

-KBL Mod

kblreversebang, posting dates, +admin, artists, kbl14

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