Fic: All that is Ours - KBL Reversebang 2013

Jun 22, 2013 23:24

Title: All that is Ours



Rating (art/fic): PG/PG-13

Word Count: 12,288

Warnings: Minor character death, violence, tiny bit of swearing

Fic Summary: When betrayal rocks the royal kingdom of Dalton, Prince Blaine must fight to reclaim his throne and his land from his treacherous regent. But the enemies know Blaine’s weakness and they have kidnapped and taken a captive: Kurt. Now it’s up to Blaine and the inner circle of his best knights to save his love and reclaim his throne before it’s too late.

Author’s Note: Thanks so much to Raelee for being a champion beta, stepping in at the last minute. And obviously thanks to Mary for her incredible art - I am so honored to have gotten to write for such a beautiful piece. ♥

Link to fic: Read it on AO3

kblreversebang, kblreversebang2013

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