
(no subject)

Feb 24, 2009 00:34

I have just about recovered from the weekend, and my sister is now Mrs H. Basically, ate too much, drank too much, read a poem without falling over, played too much Rock Band (seriously, instead of dancing there were games consoles), and drank some more.

Drove up Friday morning with Dad, back of the car absolutely full of stuff, conversation was relatively painless. In the afternoon had a massage which was lovely and left me with a large bruise on my thigh, then taught the masseuse how to cast off because she's been knitting a scarf for three years due to not knowing how to finish it, and I of course had a small project on me. (Thin little scarf in fake fur, because I couldn't be arsed finding a pattern and taking more stuff, is now done and don't know what to do with it.)

Then we went to G's house, picked up a few more things to take with. Went to the venue, then the cottage where we were staying. It was cold. It was really cold. Everything was cold.

Others arrived much later. Apparently they'd got a little lost, and it was very dark, and blah blah. They brought food. Yay. Then we had a fire in the living room and drank. Sisters came over for a bit.

In the morning, I woke up fairly early (this is a typical post-booze reaction for me, annoyingly). Also, since I was sharing a room with Lou the bridesmaid and she had to get up to go to get hair done, there was G knocking at the door etc. Showered, shaved my legs (only to the knee, though, as am lazy.) Bummed about, read some, knitted. Did my make-up. Worried about being orange. Decided on jewellery. Got dressed. Went out and drank cheap pink champagne while waiting for our chauffeur (in his Jeep).

Arrived, got picture taken, and got handed better champagne. There was mingling, and nibbles, and such. I generally stuck with people I already knew, but did talk to some of Phil's family for a bit (his mother is lovely. also tiny.)

And then, the ceremony itself. Celebrant entered, "all be upstanding", bridesmaid and best man, P & G. Lou took G's bouquet and nearly set it on fire (there was a candle on the table behind her and she nearly put the flowers right on top of it, but noticed in time.) It was quite short - only about ten minutes - but it was good, and you could tell that the celebrant had actually met with them quite a bit, and so on. (She's a humanist, btw.) And P's sister did a reading, and so did I. Apparently I sounded calm and confident, which is good, because I was shaking inside, but hey. And then they signed, and it was done.

We did the first set of photographs outside. It was cold. And windy. (G's dress had floaty bits, and there are a couple of nice shots with them streaming out. They are one of these two facebook albums.) Last few ended up being inside, oddly enough.

There are some pictures I took on flickr.

Then there was more mingling. I escaped to the games room and played a few tunes on Rock Band with the stepbrothers. Then it was food time. Wine. Soup. Hog roast (pig onna spit!). Caaaake. All very yum. And no speeches, just best man and P giving toasts. And then there was more mingling and game-playing and eventually we went back to the cottage where we drank some more.

I had switched to water after the meal as I was tilting and wanted to fake-drum, so was not as badly off the next morning. Others set off reasonably early. We went to the venue to help clear up but were too late, but we did help by taking some of the leftovers off G's hands. Also, half a box of glass beads and some fabric, which I'm going to have to figure out something crafty for.

I got quite a few compliments on the wrap. G was making people feel how soft it was, and telling them I made it, and the wrap I was wearing. A couple of people said they would totally commission things from me, and I should start a cottage industry. Felt good.

Drove back (dozing a bit on the way, which I think Dad was envious of), ate, unpacked (more or less), caught up on flist (oh god, internets, I missed you so! didn't even have mobile reception out there!) and collapsed into bed. Didn't get up until tea-time today.

Really ought to sleep soon - things to do today. Mm. Finish reading current fic, pack bag for tomorrow, and sleep. Plan.

family blah

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