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Jun 25, 2009 12:41

I start my internship today.  In fact, I start in about 15 minutes.  *sigh*  I have mixed feelings about it and not really sure where to start.  All I can think about is that with the start of this, I'm in the final stages of my program which means I'm thinking in future mode.  Currently, I'm thinking about what will happen when next April arrives.  Where will I be? What will I be doing? Will I be in a relationship?  What will happen from now till then?  It will work out, I know it willl and I know that God is trying to teach me patience already.  It's just that...with ambiguity comes a certain level of stress.  That's actually the only reason when counseling is still going on if you think about it.  Without people questioning and wondering how to handle the grey areas, I'd be out of a job and I wouldn't even need to worry about where I'll be in a year.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I can't change and the courage and the grace for the things I can.
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