Sep 03, 2009 11:31
This was written May 13, 2009.
I wanted to record my awe.
Nora's three months old today. Last night, John caught her putting her pacifier back into her mouth after it had fallen onto her chest. Motor skills at 3 months?!?
She's starting to teethe...rather, drooling and being fussy enough to make us think that's what's going on. She's been waking a few times during the night lately because of the drool that's draining into her airway and making her cough.
I was eating dinner last night with her on my lap and she had a very firm grip on my plate. As in, I couldn't get her to let go without grasping her hand and prying her fingers off.
She's been focusing on the television lately if she's in our laps. How much does she see? She's usually pretty calm during our favorite shows - which is a change - like she's paying attention.