
Aug 25, 2006 04:55

Though anyone can HANDWRITE information onto an application, how many people do you know that can use an old timey typewritter to do it? What should have taken 10 minutes took four hours of my afternoon. Because if you mess up on those things, you have to start alllllll over.  In honor of this, I will type the rest of this entry without using the backspace.

to make up for my crappy day of screwing up fucking words, my mom took Me out to dinner. We ent to "PF CHANGS" which, I had never been to before. It sucked. I am sorry, PrF Chang fans, but that foord sucks. I got chi veggie chou fun, which just tasted like bbq sause.  But it was nice to have a dinner just me and my mum.

And as a special treat, we watched "mearcat mannor" non the animal planet, narrated by none other than Sean Astin! I dindnt recognize his voice at first, but when my dad pointed it iout, i counldnt stop thinking of Sam saying all these cute theings about merecats while trudging his way through mordor.

Val called so we went to the park and chatted. Then we drove about and chatted. THen we canme back to my house and chatted some more. SOmetimes you just need a good chat. ANd we did five full and giggle hours of it. So you cansuck it.

I kind of like this "no backspace" thing. It covers up all of my actuall speling mistakes. You knever knoe if it is me doing the wrong or it it is just typos. Wow, coulnt the mistakes in that last sentance! That is because, noe, I am tryin g to tupe withoug tooking at the leiboark. hahahaah! I tried to write "keyboard: and instead frote "leiboark!"  I like that word. Leiboark. If I ever have a dof or plannet to name, It will most definately be that.

So now you can proabablyu see why it took me four hours to type two pacegs.
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