(no subject)

Jun 09, 2006 16:00

OH GOD! I saw some comedians the other night, and whew! Were they stinky! I think EVERY single one made a comment about how no one was laughing. Well, be funny and I will laugh. It is not that hard. Just KEEP TALKING and you are bound to say something slightly ammusing. It is odd how when people TRY to be funny, they can become LESS funny than they would have been had they just NOT.

Oh, there was one douche who was so douchey I couldn't stand it. One of his jokes was "Hey, I wonder why I always get busted for drunk driving when they let handicapped people drive! I mean, even when I am wasted I drive better than them!" Um, excuse me? You mean to say that 1) you regularly endanger people's lives by operating a vehicle while intoxicated and 2) you think that people who are handicaped in any way should have their driver's licences revoked and 3) I am supposed to laugh at that?  I mean, he picked all the wrong targets. He made fun of minorities, women, fat people, the disabled, the retarded, and Idahoans. He offended everyone in the audience, and then made them feel dirty for listening to him.  At one point, when he hadn't gotten a laugh in about 7 minutes, he says "Hey, Ladies. Raise your hand if  you are on your period!!" No one moved. Except me, I flipped him off. Then, as if someone HAD raised their hand, he goes "Look around guys, you aren't getting any from THEM tonight!"  The women snarled and the men felt uncomfortable. (Linvill would have loved it.)

Ali and I planned our first Foul Puppets rehearsal. It is going to be great! We compiled our lists of games, devided them into what they worked on, picked a few choice ones to teach them, and timed and orderd them. Huzzah! They aint gonna know what hit 'em.
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