(no subject)

Jul 03, 2006 22:19

I got my 3rd tattoo!!!!! Thanks to Kel. Went on a date with a mexican.Went to a mexican dance club. About ready to quit my job. Bought some golf clubs and heading out to the range tomorrow. Supporting my bro. Hanging out with my friends. Ready to move out of the country. Thinking about what I could do to myself. Becoming a couch potato. Having the messiest room I have ever seen. Had five loads of laundry piled in one basket. Thinking my boss is a hottie. About ready to mouth off my other boss. Working seven days of the week unless there's a holiday or I request days off. Saving up money to move out. Customers tend to be assholes on the phone. Got called a babe and a princess in one week....one from my date another from a customer. Wishing I could go back to costa rica to find Henry, the sexiest tour guide I have ever seen. Wanting my sis to get married soon and for my bro to find an actually girlfriend. Hoping my dogs live forever. Realizing I wasted a lot of my years. Wishing I could be someone different. Waking up each morning and not wanting to look in the mirror. Daydreaming as if it were real life. Thinking about how school was a waste and the loans coming due. Having the urge to keep getting more tattoos because the pain reminds me of what I used to be in high school. Life after college sucks. The diploma that I got in the mail was crap, paying 40 K to buy a piece of paper. Boys suck. Not letting a girl pay for stuff makes me even more pissed on dates. Heck yeah. Thats my life.
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