I'm still processing this episode, so I don't have a review or even a reaction yet. I think I'll be OK with everything once the fic starts pouring in (and you just know that it will!) but a thought just occurred to me that sent my world spinning on its axis ...
No real spoilers, but just in case. )
A lot of people seem to be really unhappy with the episode - I see comments such as Rose only getting a 'copy' of the Doctor, or the 'real Doctor' palming her off on the clone, or even how it's a cop-out ending for Rose meaning that she hasn't had to grow and learn (um, why does 'growth' have to imply being alone? Why can't women with partners be equally independent and kickarse?). I really liked it, though*. Among other things, because it was the only way Rose and the Doctor were ever going to be together in canon. It'll take a while, but I do see them being happy together. :) I just feel sorry for the TimeLordDoctor, but then that's DW all over. He's alone again, yes - but we know he'll find another companion soon enough.
* The only thing I really disliked was Donna's exit. I know she wasn't staying, and I really, really wish she was - but to mindwipe her? To take away all her memories of the Doctor, and all her brilliance and amazing deeds? To turn her back into the shallow, irritating woman of TBR? I can only hope she'll become that amazing, brilliant woman again, but right now I'm so very sad for her :(
With Rose, though, I admit I had to watch the scene three or four times to come to terms with it. I actually said Rose's line before she did -- "It's still not right!" -- and was so glad they had her chase after the Doctor to confront him on it. Because it's devastating that he has to be alone ... yet beyond my wildest dreams that they not only confirmed that he was going to say "I love you", but that he really would want to commit to her for his lifetime, if only he had it to give to her. So I think a regular dose of Human!Doctor fic will go a long way towards helping me accept this ending. *g*
(And thanks for the fic recs ... squee, I'm on it!)
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