OK, just had a chance to watch the most recent two Torchwood episodes. (BTW, why did they run two this week? Will there still be a new episode this coming week?"
I've enjoyed this season very much so far, even though I haven't had a chance to comment here on the episodes. In a nutshell, I could have done without Cruel!Jack in 2x02, but I've pretty much loved all the rest, especially the fact that Rhys has been brought in the on the secret. I love Rhys! Really and for true! (And Gwen better not break his heart or I'll hunt her down myself.)
Random comments/questions about this week's eps, in no particular order:
1. Adam was living in the Void before making his way to Earth? Does that mean that things aren't sealed up quite as definitively as the Doctor thought? And is it wrong to feel so incredibly giddy while wondering if RTD threw that line in there on purpose as a hint for the future? *g*
2. Poor Jack, having his memories of his family tainted like that. Though I did wonder quite a bit about his two years of missing memories. They hinted at that very slightly, when Adam said something about some of his memories being hidden, but are they ever going to revisit that storyline? It was such a big part of Jack's introduction in DW that it would be a shame if they just let it drop. Seems like it would have a lot of potential.
3. Martha's back! I liked her a lot more in TW than I did in DW, though I did get the feeling that she was almost a little too perfect here. Jack is giddy over her return, she's suddenly a brilliant doctor and an expert on aliens, she's a fearless operative. Yes, her experiences during the 'year that never was' had a huge influence on her, and I was delighted by the huge number of DW references they made during the episode. But I'm trying to figure out how much time has passed since the end of DW S3. I mean, Martha was just finishing medical school when the Doctor picked her up ... she was working on her rotations and getting ready to take her exams. The characterization they've set up in TW -- a full, experienced doctor; a trained UNIT operative; confidence out the wazoo -- takes time to develop. Yes, she matured a lot while saving the world. But it still seems as if at least 2-4 years would have had to pass since then, if she were to be able to get to where she is now.
4. Immune System and the Time Traveler. Whoa ... I mean, we knew about Void Stuff, but really? The immune system of companions gets ultra-charged? It has to be something done by the TARDIS, right? I mean, just traveling in time and space wouldn't do that. So wouldn't it have to be a product of staying with the Doctor on the TARDIS for a certain length of time? And what might this mean for Rose over the in the parallel universe? OK, so maybe she's not the only one who's gotten charged up. But still, I love the idea that the Doctor left her something permanent like that. (Though I still like the Bad Wolf foreseeing everything and creating a path back to each other idea even better. *g)
5. Owen can't die. Really. He just can't. Not when I was just starting to get to like him a bit. Not when they went to all that trouble to make him less of an bastard this season. Not when he's one of the more interesting characters on the show. No ... put him in a coma, have Jack find some magical alien way to bring him back after Martha's arc is over. But don't kill him. Thank you.
6. And speaking of death, what in the world was up with neither Martha nor Owen trying to do CPR on the girl when she had the seizure and died? They just stood there and looked at her, in complete shock! Hello, there are two doctors standing right there. No one even tried to bring her back? (And the same goes for Martha when Owen got shot. Jack was at least trying to do something, but Martha just kind of stared at him for far too long before acting. They might be brilliant doctors when it comes to aliens, but I think I'll find someone else for my general care, thanks all the same. ;)
All right, that's all I can think of for now, though I'm sure more will come to me later.