Sat, 23:14: RT @ OmarRiverosays: Hi all, I’m the Founder of Occupy Democrats. My inbox is being flooded by hate mail from Trumpers who are furious that…
Sat, 23:14: RT @ OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Trump demands that the Justice Department(taxpayers) split the cost of hiring a special master with him - an…
Sat, 23:19: RT @ KyivIndependent: ⚡️Russian Duma officials fined after calling for Putin's removal. Russian Deputy Dmitry Palyuga along with other ele…
Sat, 23:20: RT @ OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING NEWS: New York Times drops Friday bombshell, reveals that a grand jury just slapped racist Trump speech write…
Sat, 23:20: RT @ CalltoActivism: We filed an official misconduct complaint against corrupt Trump Judge Cannon with the Eleventh Circuit because we don’…
Sat, 23:21: RT @ joncoopertweets: BREAKING: Russia abandoned its key bastion of a main front line in northeast Ukraine, after Ukrainian forces advanced…
Sat, 23:21: RT @ JoJoFromJerz: I think we can all agree that it’s time to search trump national and trump tower, I mean… right?
Sat, 23:21: RT @ KyivIndependent: ⚡️Blinken: Putin weaponizing energy 'as Russia falls short of its battlefield aims.' U.S. Secretary of State Antony…
Sat, 23:22: RT @ duty2warn: Interesting few days. Trump’s Russia lawsuit got angrily dismissed. Stephen Miller subpoenaed by DOJ. Michigan got abortion…
Sat, 23:22: RT @ B52Malmet: He had cartons carted off stuffed with state secrets, some of them nuclear. The FBI found empty folders, other classified ma…
Sat, 23:22: RT @ B52Malmet: Let me pause here to recall that Donald rump tried everything he could to illegally stay in power. I don’t want the theft of…
Sat, 23:23: RT @ lindyli: Can’t believe this has to be said but Someone who is under investigation for espionage should NOT be allowed on Air Force One…
Sat, 23:23: RT @ RBReich: The Constitution doesn't mention abortion nor corporations. Yet so-called originalists have consistently placed the rights of…
Sat, 23:23: RT @ joncoopertweets: BREAKING: On May 6, 2021, the National Archives and Records Administration asked Donald Trump to return classified doc…
Sat, 23:24: RT @ BillKristol: Not to count chickens, nor to jinx things, but Ukraine winning and Trump Republicans losing would make 2022 a very good ye…
Sat, 23:24: RT @ KyivIndependent: ⚡️Police: 2 bodies with traces of torture exhumed in recently liberated village of Kharkiv Oblast. A resident of the…
Sat, 23:29: RT @ duty2warn: I'm proud to say that the Jewish religion considers an unborn fetus to be ... part of a woman's body! The Torah and the Talm…
Sat, 23:29: RT @ DashDobrofsky: I hope Jake Tapper reads this: you just asked Biden to invite a man who illegally stole nuclear secrets - to somebody el…
Sat, 23:31: RT @ DashDobrofsky: Amy Coney Barrett is set to rule on an LGBTQ discrimination case, where the client suing is repped by anti-LGTBQ attorne…