Today's forecast: 11C/52F sunny intervals. This is true - there have been some lovely sunny intervals and it's been quite warm in the sunshine.
The morning started before we wanted it to with Zero the cat scraping at the bedroom door and miaowing sadly at about 6.30am (the cats are not allowed in the bedroom at night). We ignored him but we ended up getting up just after 7.30am and having breakfast which was annoying on a Saturday.
We sat around for a while until we decided to go out to a nearby large garden centre where they were holding a craft fair. There were some interesting stalls - lots of pretty things like homemade cards (had to have some of those!), some lovely stalls with hand-turned wooden items, lotions and potions, stained glass items, knitted things, needle felted things and all manner of other stuff. I bought a couple of ceramic cane 'toppers' for the garden. There were lots of different designs but I loved one of the quirky birds and one like a seed head so they had to come home with me (photos under the cut)
I've put the bird on a cane in a houseplant as it's cute!
The seed head is in an outdoor pot.
It was fun walking around but we resisted anything else (other than salted caramel fudge and clotted cream fudge - we had to buy some of that!).
We went from there to another garden centre which has a really good farm shop and stocked up with bread flour and some fresh produce. We also checked out their hanging pod chairs as they had an offer on. That was interesting as the different shapes meant that some designs didn't suit tall people - Mr Cee with his head squashed into a pod chair was quite funny though *g*. We decided that it was helpful to try them out as we will buy one at some point, but not just yet - we need to redesign the back garden before we do that.
We had lunch when we got home and I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the living room and the kitchen while Mr Cee set up the base for a new shed in the garden. We've had the shed for a while, but the weather hasn't been good enough to put down a cement base, so it was good it was sunny today. I also made a roasted pepper and tomato sauce to have with pasta this evening and re-covered a footstool that Zero had decided to sharpen his claws on (he's a bit of a menace). I'd managed to get some material that matched the chair it goes with, and it looked really good when I'd finished. Mr Cee also cleaned out the fish tank as it was getting murky, and the three goldfish seem happy.
We had basil and ricotta ravioli with the roasted pepper and tomato sauce, salad and garlic bread. There was also wine! Delicious!
We watched The Adam Project on Netflix (a fun film with all kinds of good people in it). Now we are catching up with a couple of episodes of The Witcher, but we'll probably be in bed soon as we are both tired.