Busy day....

Dec 21, 2021 17:55

It has been a day of baking and stuff all day. I started off with making some spicy parsnip soup for lunch as we had our veg box delivery today. There were three ENORMOUS parsnips which is far too much for Christmas lunch as only three out of the four of us like roasted parsnips. So it seemed a good idea to make soup from one of them. Then I did an inventory of what food I have in the house in preparation for the last grocery shop tomorrow. Turns out that although I was convinced I had some frozen mince pies I actually didn't have any, so cooked up a batch of those (mmmm buttery pastry!).

In between all that I wrapped the very last of the presents and cleaned the spare bedroom and changed the bed ready for Youngest Cee to say on Thursday night. The challenge will be to stop Zero cat sleeping IN the bed before he arrives (we've tucked everything in so he can't get in there!

I was having some friends round on Thursday night, but one couple have dropped out amidst fear of Omicron. Personally I think that although the reports of infections are scary I know several people who've had it and it's just like a bad 'flu if you are vaccinated and have no underlying health issues. The other couple we've invited are still happy to come over which is good. We'll spread out in our living room and I'll make sure we ventilate the room regularly and we'll all have a Lateral Flow test before we mix. I know we've all been really careful, so I hope that will be enough....

It's really hard to find out how many people are in hospital with Covid at the moment and as far as I can tell only one person has been reported as having died from Omicron. Numbers in my area are going down again. I know there's still a risk of long Covid, but that seems to affect younger people, but telling us about people who have the infection isn't very helpful IMO. No-one seems to know how dangerous this new strain is, and the only thing everyone seems to be sure of is that it's really easy to catch it (someone compared it to how easy it is to catch measles). But it's really easy to catch a cold or the regular 'flu so knowing that isn't really helpful.... *shrugs*

I'll just keep washing my hands and taking precautions such as wearing a mask and keeping my distance and hope for the best.

21. Do you have memories from preschool?
It was unusual to go to a pre-school or nursery when I was small as that only usually applied if your Mother worked. My Mum was a stay at home Mum (she'd have called herself a Housewife quite happily), so I stayed at home with her until I went to Infant School at just under 5 years old.

22. Is there anything about technology that scares you?
23. What’s a word/phrase that’s commonly heard in your region, but not anywhere else?
24. Do you bite on straws, lollipop handles, or ice cream sticks?
25. Do your parents still live in the same house they raised you in?
26. What’s your favorite flavor of soda, pop or whatever else you call it?
27. What time do you usually have dinner?
28. Do you keep the cabinets in your kitchen and bathroom organized?
29. What do you wish you’d spent more time doing five years ago?
30. How often do you light candles?31. What are you looking forward to in the next year?

baking, new365meme, friends, covid19, christmas

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