Tuesday stuff

Nov 23, 2021 14:15

Gratuitous Boris photo -

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picspam, new365meme, friends

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Comments 8

debris4spike November 23 2021, 15:40:04 UTC
Aww - Boris does look like a real sweetheart. Glad his "mum" is coming home ... but, yes, COPD & smoking go together ... but if she is anything like one of my brothers who does smoke ... good luck getting her to change!


kazzy_cee November 23 2021, 16:33:11 UTC

Yes smokers are their own worst enemy aren’t they! So glad I’m smoke free.

She’s still waiting to come home so I think it’ll be a late night!


kathyh November 23 2021, 16:33:50 UTC
Boris looks adorable.

My dad had smoked for at least 65 years when he gave up (he once said he started when he was 8). He had been in hospital for a replacement knee operation and because he hadn't smoked there he just stopped. It was too late to prevent his COPD diagnosis but at least it shows it's possible for long term users to do it.


kazzy_cee November 23 2021, 17:36:16 UTC
Yes, I think that's the key - the person needs to want to give up. I'm hoping she will see sense this time. Fingers crossed!


thismaz November 24 2021, 07:03:36 UTC
That Boris is cute, anyway *g*
I hope your friend manages to give up smoking. It is very difficult for many people.


kazzy_cee November 24 2021, 08:21:06 UTC

Boris is very endearing. I still prefer cats though - they are less needy and more indifferent lol!

I’m hoping this is a wake-up call for my friend 🤞🏻


trepkos November 24 2021, 10:01:20 UTC
Well, I hope your friend learns her lesson, if only for Boris' sake. It affects HIS little lungs too!)


kazzy_cee November 24 2021, 10:25:10 UTC

I know - I’ve got cross with her about how it affects others including her pets!


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