Today's forecast: 18C/64F cloudy
Today's actual weather was lovely this morning! Up to 22C/72F!
I slept for 9 hours last night - goodness knows why but I clearly needed it! This morning we went off to Tai Chi - the last one for the summer. Our teacher originally thought that it would go ahead next weekend, but as we were the only people to turn up this week and we are away from that weekend she decided to say this is the last one in the park *g*
It's such a shame that more people haven't joined us, but it's been so hit and miss on Sundays this summer because the weather has been so unpredictable. I think if we had been there every week more people would have joined us over the summer. We certainly always had at least one person asking what we are doing during the lesson and taking away a leaflet or two. We enjoyed it as usual - and we got incredibly hot LOL! So much large muscle movement! Also we were chatting to our teacher before we started class and it turns out she thought we were 10 years younger than we are - we'll take that! \0/
We drove home and had some lunch and the rest of the afternoon we've been sitting around sorting out accumulated 'stuff' LOL! I don't know why the 'stuff' pile never seems to reduce in size....
Today's question - 19. What was the last piece of furniture you purchased?
We bought a desk and chair for Mr Cee's home office which he finds very comfortable, so a worth-while purchase I think!