A cooler Thursday

Sep 09, 2021 09:04

Forecast: 22C/71F cloudy
It rained yesterday evening and again overnight which the garden is very happy about (as am I as it means I don't have to water the pots today \0/).

More rain is due this afternoon which is annoying as I was hoping I might be able to record my bellydance solo this afternoon and get that out of the way. The recording I did on Monday is just no good - I forgot most of what I wanted to include and it was too hot to keep doing it. I'll have to take a chance and see what I can do later if it doesn't rain (or maybe tomorrow as I have a free day).

This morning we have online Tai Chi and this evening is Pilates. I'm hoping my stiff muscles from the challenging walk we did yesterday will ease themselves so I can still move tomorrow LOL!

In other news this article about organised essay/assignment writing make me very cross. When I was still teaching the odd 'bought' essay used to turn up and the students didn't seem to realise that it was such a stupid idea. One student even cited the essay writing site in their bibliography - which was so beyond idiotic that I couldn't quite believe it!  Regular plagiarism was bad enough! No - you shouldn't leave hyperlinks in the block of text you copied from that website. Yes - your teacher will notice! No - copying and pasting  "because you couldn't think of a better way to say it" isn't an excuse. Yes - if I see the same phrases I read when I was researching the subject I will get suspicious - especially if half your essay is in UK English and half in US English ......

Passing by cheating means that you'll hopefully eventually get found out as you just don't have the learning you need to do a job, but what kind of damage will you do before then?  As it says in the article - if you get your nursing qualification because you cheated are you going to be a safe nurse? I certainly wouldn't want to be treated by someone who had got their degree that way. Or do you want an engineer making decisions that affect something you are driving or a building you are in who had cheated to get their qualifications? Would you consider someone who cheated as a trustworthy person anyway ??? *eyeroll*

9. What architectural style was your childhood home?
I had three homes - the first was a Victorian terrace in North London, the second one was a 1930 semi-detached house, and the last one was a 1930 semi-detached chalet-bungalow style house - both in South East London.

Have a good day!

Current estimated numbers of cases in my area 3187 down 132 from last week, but still very high IMO.  Schools are back this week - it will be interesting to see if the numbers are back up there in a couple of weeks.....

pilates, rant, tai chi, new365meme, covid19

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