Monday (Day 19 of full lockdown, day 246 since all this began with the first lockdown)

Nov 23, 2020 13:25

Counting the days is quite weird isn't it? Like looking regularly at numbers and graphs. Who woulda thunk we would be doing that in 2020? We know what R numbers mean, and we have buzzwords like "lockdown", "bubble", "furlough", "staycation" are at the forefront of our vocabulary. *sigh ( Read more... )

work, 365meme20, art, lockdown, covidiots, covid19

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Comments 6

brutti_ma_buoni November 23 2020, 19:17:31 UTC
It's really tiring at the moment - not just November, everything is dragging me down too, and I have also been sleeping a lot but not very well. Ugh!

The art of the 1930s could be *fascinating*, I hope you can do it - not least as I might learn vicariously. It's a time I don't much love, but I'd be very interested in someone good talking it through.


kazzy_cee November 23 2020, 21:34:56 UTC
I keep waking up at 5am then fortunately nodding off again, but falling asleep before 10.30 each night. I think it’s because it so dark. I have been using my daylight SAD light which is helping.

I love Art Deco and art nouveau so I am keen to cover the 30s. Watch this space!


kathyh November 23 2020, 22:49:58 UTC
I read somewhere that in a poll about Christmas 53% of people didn't want to meet up! I don't mind going to the hairdresser but we're still planning on being very cautious over Christmas.


kazzy_cee November 24 2020, 07:56:56 UTC
I’m going to avoid the shops as I think people are going to be stupid. I’ve pretty much got everything anyway. We are aiming for cautious too.


thismaz November 25 2020, 16:50:59 UTC
I think I've just hit resignation point re Christmas. At least I would have done if I had ideas for presents for some of the people in my life *g*


kazzy_cee November 25 2020, 20:07:34 UTC
I'm still not convinced that all this opening up is a good idea......


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