It's been ages since I've posted which was not intentional - it's been quite busy!. We had a lovely Christmas - both boys stayed over which was nice and they enjoyed their gifts. I was spoiled by the family and received some lovely unexpected gifts which was lovely. We ate far too much, but it was all delicious (even if I do say so myself LOL!)
ommm nom nom......
On Boxing Day Youngest Cee's girlfriend (P) and her mother came for a buffet lunch. It was nice to meet P's mother as we hadn't met before and we enjoyed meeting her and we ended up playing monopoly for the afternoon which was fun. P's mother seems keen to downsize soon, and wholely approves of Youngest Cee (which is pleasing as we approve of P as well!). YC and P are talking about finding somewhere together at some point in the not too distant future and it sounds as if P's mother will be selling up as soon as P moves out.... !
Youngest Cee stayed from Christmas Eve to Boxing Day and Eldest Cee stayed just under a week and we took him home today, so it's nice to get back to just the two of us again. The cats have enjoyed having extra laps to sit on - particularly Zero who enjoyed Eldest Cee's company practically non-stop during his visit *g*.
Anyhoo - in order to post a bit more in January I have decided to have a go at the Snowflake challenge again this year.
Oh - and I didn't realise there are emoji's you can use in Microsoft 10 ..... right click and select 'Emoji' or tap the Windows key plus the full stop. 😉
This could be fun..... 🎄💕😀🎈🎁🍗