
Dec 02, 2018 19:30

Seasonal Affective Disorder has been kicking my butt. Days where we get hardly any light (and there's been a few recently) make me feel like I'm wading through treacle and I have hardly any energy. It's so frustrating - when we have a sunny day I feel so much better. I couldn't face Pilates on Friday which is very unlike me. So Mr Cee found my S.A. ( Read more... )

health, stained glass, 30 grateful days

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Comments 4

curiouswombat December 2 2018, 22:03:35 UTC
Sorry about the SAD - it must have been really difficult when you lived in Norway.

The lantern looks beautiful.


kazzy_cee December 3 2018, 12:15:38 UTC
Funnily enough it wasn't so bad in Norway as basically the whole wall of the flat we lived in was double storey windows so there was so much light most of the time. Of course it balanced with the incredibly long days in the summer ;)

Thanks! The lanterns come out really well with the replaced glass.


thismaz December 3 2018, 06:02:53 UTC
*wishing you bright sun light, even if the days are short*

The lantern looks lovely.

I'm enjoying Doctor Who, this series, too. I met a DW geek yesterday and had a real struggle keeping up with her references to individual episodes, but it was a really enjoyable conversation.


kazzy_cee December 3 2018, 12:16:31 UTC
Another dreary day today..... :(

Thanks! The lanterns are very pleasing to make as they look so different with coloured glass.

I'm enjoying Dr Who - I really liked last night's episode. Scary in places!


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