It's been a busy day as I whizzed around the house tidying and cleaning. Then Youngest Cee rang asking if I could go over to his flat as he had the day off but was expecting a delivery which clashed with his appointment at the optician! So I went over to cover that and of course I arrived and was just chatting to YC before he went for his appointment when the delivery person arrived! Not a problem, but unfortunately TKMaxx sent the wrong item (he'd ordered a floor vase). They sent one that was £10 more than the one he had ordered and all the paperwork said it was the right one but it wasn't. The upshot was that I rather liked it, so I gave him the money for it and brought it home with me. He'll order the one he wanted and try again.
Once I got home again the vet called regarding Tiger's biopsy of his enlarged lymph gland and it may or may not be the best news as they think he might have a form of bone cancer. However, as he's had the operation and had a nasty infection it could also be a false/positive result. The vet suggests the best thing to do is to continue with antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory medication for the next month and then retest him. If it is bad news after that there are several options to keep him comfortable, but nothing much can be done at his age (nearly 15). He seems happy enough at the moment, and so we'll see how he goes and hope for the best.
So - onto the Snowflake challenge....
In your own space, share a favourite piece of original canon (a TV episode, a song, a favourite interview, a book, a scene from a movie, etc) and explain why you love it so much.
The Buffy musical episode - so clever because it was part of the plot for them to be singing (unlike some other series which have added music to an episode for no reason at all). It was surprising how well some of the cast could sing, and I enjoyed the songs which had pretty harmonies (Under your spell/Standing with Amber Benson and Anthony Stewart Head springs to mind).
Click to view
I must admit though that I love the incidental music from Buffy. The Final Fight (which is long, but glorious), is a wonderful piece of music.
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In other news we have a problem with our electric lights - half the house doesn't have overhead lighting at the moment. It suddenly went off last night but there doesn't seem to be any reason. Mr Cee (who knows about such things) has checked the most obvious possible problems to no avail, so rang an electrician friend this evening for advice. Upshot is that he's probably going to take a day off later in the week to hunt down the problem with our friend! In the meantime we have lamps to light the rooms so we're not totally in the dark :)