Stained glass stuff and ramblings....

Apr 14, 2016 10:34

The monthlydiaryday runs every 12th, so I am late posting what I did on Tuesday, but for those who don't see those posts my day is under this cut.

I have had a busy couple of days, so this is a little late, but under the cut is my 12th entry for this month.

I woke up at 6.30 and as I didn't need to get up I read my book for half an hour and then listened to the news and weather on the radio when that came on at 7.00.  I tend to still get up fairly early, so I got up and got dressed, made the bed and then headed downstairs (having made sure Youngest Cee was in the shower getting ready for work).  I emptied the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen units before getting some breakfast (low fat muesli and home made yogurt) and sitting in the front room to eat it.  Of course that meant I got sat on by a cat (Tiger our 13 year old in this instance).  Youngest Cee came downstairs and had a chat before setting off for the station at 7.50.  He said he'd be going to the local gym on the way home, but I had to remind him that this would mean he would have to get a bus home instead of Mr Cee picking him up as we were going out. So he decided the gym visit would wait until the next day ;)

I pottered around making sure I had my stained glass bag all packed up ready to go to class this morning.  It was really heavy as I had put a lot of my glass supply in the bag.  I'm starting a new project and I hadn't decided what colours of glass I was going to need, but as I have designed the pattern myself I needed to check with the teacher that it was OK before I got around to choosing the glass I would use.  I set off for class at 8.55 and caught ALL the traffic on the way as I have to pass two local schools.  I made fairly good time though and got to the Adult Ed centre at 9.15 and sat and chatted with some of my classmates before we went in to the classroom.

Our teacher is brilliant and looked over my pattern and said it was fine (phew!) but I had made it a little large so she reduced it on the photocopier for me.  I spent most of the morning refining the shapes and deciding on colours and my classmates offered some helpful advice.  I really love my class and because of local government cuts it looked like we would lose it after this term, but fortunately we found out today that the class will go ahead at a new venue which we were all really pleased about (happy thing number 21 for this year!).  It will be a little bit further away from where I live, but apparently the new venue will have much larger windows - which will be very welcome as we are in a fairly dark room at the moment.  This is what our glass studio classroom looks like now:

On the work bench in front of me is the lamp base I'm making a shade for as the next project - it will be a square 'uplighter'.

The class finishes at 12.15, so I packed up and headed out to the the large supermarket near where I live to fill up the car with petrol (my 'reserve fuel' light had been blinking at me for a couple of days!) and then into the supermarket to pick up a salad for my lunch in their meal deal, and a couple of sandwiches in the meal deal for dinner.

I spent the afternoon looking over my pattern for the lamp again and tidying away the glass I won't need back into the storage cupboard in the garage.  Mr Cee got home at 4.30 and we caught up with our days and watched an antiques programme and then Pointless while we had a very early sandwich dinner.  He collected Youngest Cee from the station at 6.30 and dropped him at home and then we set off to walk down to the new local cinema.

It was really sunny on the way down and I'm so please we have this new facility so close - it took 40 minutes to walk there and we got there just as the adverts were starting.  The cinema was really empty as we had gone to see Batman v Superman which has nearly finished its run - there were only 6 of us there!  The film was OK - there are some parts that I think should have been cut, but I was surprised that I liked Ben Afleck as Batman as I really loved The Dark Knight triology with Christian Bale.  The film finished at 10.20 so we didn't walk home, but got the bus back (it only takes 10 minutes) and got to bed at 10.45.  I was really tired, but it took ages to fall asleep!

Yesterday was another busy day.  I spent the morning first making some Queso Blanco (a Spanish soft cream cheese which is really easy to do!) then in my garage glass 'studio' as it was finally warm enough to cut glass in there (glass doesn't like the cold - it won't cut well), so I had a go at finishing another little glass cat and also a little terrarium.  Photos under the cut.

I think the little terrarium could hold one of those 'air' plants and I think I'll make some more in coloured glass to see if I can sell at the craft fair I'm going to in May.  The glass cat is fun, but it's fiddly and takes a while, so I'd have to charge around £12 for it and I don't think people will buy it (it's about 4"/10cm tall).  I have another pattern for a terrarium that sits on a surface, so I can make a few of those in different sizes.

In the afternoon a couple of friends and I went to a talk in a local tea shop about a local Priory that has been sold off by our local council.  There is a charity trying to bid for the lease and they were explaining what they want to do with the building.  It's a listed building and dates back to the 12th century but has been extended into a modern 1960s built annex.  The idea is to have craft fairs and weddings as the original building is rather lovely inside.  It's all boarded up, but we walked past on our way home:

It needs some sympathetic restoration to make it pretty again, and I hope they manage to get the funding to get the lease and put into place their plans as they have some good ideas.  We were tired when we got home but I managed to persuade my friends to take some of the cheese as I've ended up with about 900g! :)

Today I shall start my stained glass lamp I think as it's fairly warm again (15 degrees), and tonight is belly dancing.  

stained glass, happy things, 12thmo, cheese, family

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