8 days of happy (revisited).... day 1 (with added icons!)

Apr 08, 2015 18:26

Today was immensely satisfying as I decided to tackle shoes and handbag sorting.

I am usually really good at getting rid of things, and I really don't like having clutter around.   However, I have weaknesses and those are shoes and handbags.  I will wear favourite shoes until they fall apart, and even then I may not get rid of them 'for wearing around the house and garden'.  So today was an exercise in being committed to downsizing and really taking a long hard look at the shoes I own.

Gone are the ones that smell (eewwww!), and the ones that still rub my feet, and the ones I bought on impulse and really are the most impractical shoes ever!  The smelly ones have been taken to the recycle centre, the others are in a bag ready to take to a local charity shop as someone will appreciate them I'm sure.

On a plus side, I found shoes I'd forgotten I had and shall wear more often now.

Handbags are also an issue with me - I tend to associate them with times in my life as I tend to 'reward' myself for things with a new handbag.  BUT - we are downsizing and so I had to be strong and donate ones I really don't need (too small, too big etc) to charity. The ones that are well past their best have been taken to the recycling centre.  I still have some gorgeous bags left but they are the ones I love and are very practical.  Another plus was that I also found my driving licence which I hadn't realised I'd mislaid in an old bag....!

It was a good day! :)

Also - I made a few icons:

icons, meme, happy things

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