Random post

Aug 27, 2012 13:17

I keep meaning to post, and then time just seems to slip away! I also blame my iPad and iPhone, which start up so much more quickly than my laptop (despite having had many unnecessary applications removed recently). Using the mobile technology is lovely for reading, but makes me lazy posting.

So - in an effort to post more, I took some photos ( Read more... )

photos, via ljapp, rip

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Comments 12

brutti_ma_buoni August 27 2012, 14:38:28 UTC
Aha! You can join my cattle-trough-spotting club. (Not a real club.) They are all over the place once you start noticing them.


kazzy_cee August 27 2012, 17:12:30 UTC
Yes I've seen several on my walks around. We had one locally, but some person stole it which is a feat in itself as they must weight at least a ton!


slaymesoftly August 27 2012, 15:04:23 UTC
Drinking fountain and cattle trough. Multi-purpose!
I love those phone boxes. I want one. Alas, too expensive, and then where the hell would I put it? But if I had a place to put one, and more money, I'd get one in a heartbeat.


kazzy_cee August 27 2012, 17:13:52 UTC
Yes, it's an odd combination - presumably there was a water pump at one time!

The phone boxes are fabulous aren't they? They have mostly been removed from everywhere, so I was amazed to find two (both with working telephones). I'd love one in the garden - there are a couple of people round where I live that have bought them and restored them.


slaymesoftly August 27 2012, 18:24:08 UTC
There is a British-themed pub/restaurant not too far away that has one by the road. (non-functional, I'm sure. Pay phones have almost vanished over here)

PS - beautiful header!


kazzy_cee August 27 2012, 19:40:32 UTC
There are hardly any pay phones here too I remember rows of them at the train stations - which have disappeared now.

Thank you - the header is one of my own making :)


thismaz August 27 2012, 16:46:21 UTC
I really like the picture made of strips (of paper?)


kazzy_cee August 27 2012, 17:15:08 UTC
The picture is airbrushed onto the side of the building - but I love how it's put together. I thought it was Celtic knots when they started it, but I think it's fabulous. On another part of the building it looks like they are going to have another design, so I'll take a photo of that one when it's finished.


shapinglight August 27 2012, 17:26:54 UTC
The Brando pic is amazing.


kazzy_cee August 27 2012, 17:44:38 UTC
Isn't it! They are in the process of doing another one, and I'm really hoping it will be up by tomorrow so I can see what it is. I think they must be stencils of some kind.


keswindhover August 27 2012, 17:50:46 UTC
It's surprising how it all adds up isn't it? My routine getting to and from work gives me 8,000 out of my 10,000 steps a day. I have to work for them on the weekend!


kazzy_cee August 27 2012, 19:38:52 UTC
Yes I couldn't believe how far each bit of my walking during the day adds up to. I do try and get a bit of speed up and walk up the escalators at London Bridge too ;)


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