
May 22, 2011 12:09

Sorry not to have been very good at commenting this week - I caught up with most of my f-list but yesterday was the first time I could comment, so I expect I've missed a few people!!

It's been very busy here at chez Cee!

new technie stuff news )

work, dreamwidth, tv, gadgets

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Comments 32

ningloreth May 22 2011, 11:50:55 UTC
I think that taking the plunge was a good move. It puts you in control, when being at 'their' mercy is a big part of what makes these things so stressful. So good luck with the job hunting!

a big photo frame

Cool! I've also seen a dvd of a log fire you could play on it...


kazzy_cee May 22 2011, 14:07:35 UTC
taking the plunge was a good move

Thanks - I do too - the way things are, there's no guarantee that I would have got a better deal at the end of next year (and it could be a lot worse). This way I get a fairly substantial payout which will cushion the drop in salary and ease me into it.

LOL!! I'd really like an aquarium 'screen saver' on it which would be nice! It's such an ugly black rectangle when the TV is off!


deborahw37 May 22 2011, 12:02:53 UTC
Good luck! It sounds like the right choice for you.


kazzy_cee May 22 2011, 14:08:31 UTC
Thanks - it's the best option I can see at the moment. No guarantee there'll be anything for me at the end of next year, but at least this way I get something to cushion the blow later (and there may be something better if I look!).

I hate change though :(


slaymesoftly May 22 2011, 12:34:55 UTC
LOL at the new TV. I think the purpose of most new TVs is to be seen. But using it for photos is a great idea. The one we have downstairs can do that - run a continuous loop of photos. No idea how to make it do that, though. I can barely remember how to turn it on, never mind making it do anything. (very complicated setup - and husband wonders why I prefer to sit upstairs on the couch and watch the one that only has a few things to remember...)

The job thing sounds hopeful. At least you won't be doing two jobs, and who knows? You may find something you like much more.

I think your Dr. Who is a week or so ahead of ours. I'm curious to see the one with Neil Gaiman, though.

I hope you're enjoying nice weather. Our week-long rain has finally stopped and we're having a beautiful (if pollen-filled) weekend.


kazzy_cee May 22 2011, 14:12:11 UTC
I really dislike the big black rectangle when the TV is off. Ideally I'd love something like one of those aquarium screen savers you see on computers. That would be lovely...!

This one will run a loop of photos - not sure how you'd upload them (although it can connect to the Internet apparently!).

I just wish I had a paper copy of the manual!!

Gaiman's episode is brilliant! I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

The weather has been odd, but very warm this week. Sun is lovely but we've had some rain today which was sorely needed for the plants! Enjoy your sunshine :D


miso_no_tsuki May 22 2011, 12:40:45 UTC
Well done you. *fingers crossed* for good jobs.
We use our big LCD TV as a photo frame all the time. We have a dedicated Linux server which holds all the data and an old converted *coughs* X-Box running XBMC 3.0.
It's awesome!You can screen videos/films/home videos from the server plus TV eps and anything else you can store.
I'm aware that this may be a leetle more tech than the average household, but we've never been that! *lol*
An off-the shelf version could use something like a Western Digital box?


kazzy_cee May 22 2011, 14:14:49 UTC
Thank you! The redundancy money will mean I don't have to rush for a new job, which takes the pressure off a bit :)

Our TV has USB ports, so I'm assuming we can load up some photos on there. There are some built in which will show a slideshow, but we've not actually worked out how to upload anything...!! I wish I had a paper manual rather than having to read on screen!!! It would be better if the manual was available on the website too!!


petzipellepingo May 22 2011, 13:14:05 UTC
This leaves me with my Office administrator contract which means I've lost 50% of my salary, but frees me to look for other work

Which is, I assume, both bad and good.


kazzy_cee May 22 2011, 14:16:13 UTC
There are good and bad aspects, but I'm looking on the bright side at the moment! I've been teaching for 10 years, and maybe it's just time to move back into office work. The worst aspect of changing my job will be loosing the long holiday breaks :(

I don't have to think about it for a while though.


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