Book of Days

Jun 05, 2010 14:11

Book of days because I haven't done one of these for a while.

Outside my window: It was incredibly sunny and hot and summer-like this morning, but now it's clouding over again. 'Changeable' seems to describe the weather lately!

My thoughts... Are for my boys who have exams next week.

Today's Quote... "I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well." Diane Ackerman

I am thankful for... I still have my job!

What I learned this week... As part of our Inspection last week I had to talk to the Lead Inspector about my department. Apparently I impressed him. We had an 'all staff' meeting this week and this was mentioned (v. embarrassing!) as part of the feedback to everyone. Lovely to have my contribution acknowledged though ;)

From the kitchen last week... Lots of salads in the hot weather which were lovely!

I am creating (crafts, sewing etc)... I shall be painting our fencing tomorrow - does that count? :)

My adventures this week... (where are you going this week?).. Nothing special apart from work this week... (boo!)

Becoming well read (What are you reading this week?).. I'm reading Clarissa Dickson-Wright's autobiography which is a very honest description of her life and alcoholism.

I manifest and co-create (what are your hopes and dreams this week) To be honest, I hope the weather will settle down into some kind of consistent pattern. Lately it's been very difficult to know what to wear from day to day!!

Melody (what music are you listening to? even if it's just the sound of a bird).. I have 'Comedy Central' on the TV and they're having a 'Two and a half Men' day, so I have the theme tune stuck in my head now....

One of my favourite things... Sitting on my comfortable sofa.

Goals reached last week... Finished a HORRIBLE paperwork thing that is complicated and fiddly and is finally going to be sent off on Monday.

Things that made my week this week... My Manager has negotiated a brilliant contract which means I'll be employed full time but the two 'halves' of my workload can be extremely flexible. This is a real coup and I'm very grateful to her for doing this.

Still life (share a picture you've taken OR a picture you found online that speaks to you)...
I have a new App on my phone called 'Framed!' which means I can do silly things like this:

book of days

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