Ranting - please pass

May 04, 2010 18:45

Argh - I have two days in London starting tomorrow. Which means commuting, and trains and tube trains and meetings.... gah!!

Why are the things I have to go to lately always in North London. I live in the South London suburbs, so it takes forever... *sighs*

Oh - and while I'm ranting, can I point out the following (without wishing to belittle the ( Read more... )

work, rant, disasters

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Comments 12

petzipellepingo May 4 2010, 17:59:08 UTC
It's just a sad, sad mess for the people who live around there and the rest of the US through our pocketbooks.


kazzy_cee May 5 2010, 07:05:38 UTC
Most of the recovery will be covered by the insurance available - the rig was insured for 560 million dollars which should cover the recovery of it and a great deal of the clean up.

The environmental damage and costs are completely different of course!


cordykitten May 4 2010, 18:32:27 UTC
Added to the rant - I've heard @ TV/Radio that there is an "emergency switch" (I forgot the name) that costs 500.000 €. In Norway (Europe) they have to use it to avoid an oil spillage like this one. In USA they don't.
I won't dare to estimate how much they'll have to pay now (BP).
The results suck for everybody.


kazzy_cee May 5 2010, 07:06:30 UTC
Yes the emergency switches failed (and were he responsibility of another agency) and the ones that would have been more reliable aren't on these rigs.


curiouswombat May 4 2010, 20:21:02 UTC
Commuting across London - bleurgh.

The rest of it - Amen sister!


kazzy_cee May 5 2010, 07:07:02 UTC
Commuting sucks!

The whole oil stuff is just so sad.


hesadevil May 4 2010, 21:54:19 UTC
Well said.

Bummer about the communting. Has no-one heard of virtual meetings?


kazzy_cee May 5 2010, 07:07:24 UTC
I even have to take REAL paper with me to the meetings!!!!!



lifefailsme May 5 2010, 04:36:33 UTC

WTH? That's not even been so much as mentioned on our news. Bloody hell!


kazzy_cee May 5 2010, 07:08:03 UTC
I think it's terrible that the deaths have been ignored. It's like those people don't count. *sighs*


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