
Feb 28, 2009 13:43

I have not been commenting much or posting much - it's been really hectic at work!! I have been reading though :)

It didn't take me long to get some strategies up and running to make my new department work better. Finally the staff have started to trust me - I think they weren't sure about me to start with, but now they're confiding in me and I'm actually getting them organised (a task in itself!!).

Generally things are working more efficiently than they were and my Manager is pleased - she keeps telling me how glad she is I'm there which is nice.

Unfortunately this year the adult qualifications we run are not going well. For a variety of reasons (most of which are due to several small omissions at the beginning of the year which have added up together to make a bit of a headache) our courses are not going to be very successful this year.

We've already got most of the problems ironed out ready for next year, but of course that's not going to help this year.

It also doesn't help our new Vice Principal has decided to put us under the spotlight and wants to have an internal inspection of the department. This would be (a) incredibly stressful for everyone (b) unnecessary as we've already identified the problems we're having this year and are doing our best to stop them happening next year (c) mean that we may be considered an 'at risk' department and means we're even more under the spotlight next year - see (a).

So at the moment I'm running around to try and work with the Manager to stop this happening.

Family stuff has been busy too as Mr Cee has started taking the eldest to see some universities. He visited Sussex this week and really liked it. Next week is Bristol, then Manchester and Exeter. He's also applied to Bath but hasn't heard from them yet.

He wants to study Maths and Computer Sciences and has been offered a conditional place at Sussex and Exeter (who have also offered him the chance of a scholarship!). It's all very exciting but I don't really want him to leave home yet!!!!

Both boys are about to start their exams. Fortunately they are both doing very well and with luck should get the grades they need. They are both very good at working hard, and fortunately we never have to nag them - which I'm pleased about. They both know that it's their responsibility to work hard (thank goodness!).

In other news I haz a new gadget! An iPod Touch which is fabulous! I can see how people are keen on the iPhone, as the Touch has all the features of the iPhone (without the phone of course!) including WiFi so I can surf the 'net and download all kinds of added gadgets for it. So far I love it! 32Gb is scarily only just big enough for all my music though. I have 2Gb free at moment! :)

Last "Being Human" for this series tomorrow! I am happily unspoiled :)

work, gadgets, family

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