A busy Saturday

Jun 24, 2023 18:12

The humidity we had yesterday has continued today and although there have been grey clouds that look heavy with rain in the sky, we've not had any rain at all ( Read more... )

meme2023, picspam, nordic walking, outings, family

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Comments 9

kathyh June 24 2023, 19:04:10 UTC
I haven’t been to Chartwell for years but, funnily enough, I was thinking about it the other day and wondering whether we could get there by public transport (I think we can).

We went to Morden Hall Park today, which was very nice, but also very hot! Visiting National Trust properties is obviously the thing to do today :)


kazzy_cee June 24 2023, 19:54:29 UTC

It’s definitely worth a whole days visit if you can sort that out. There’s quite a lot of grounds.

Definitely a day for national Trust!


pondhopper June 24 2023, 21:07:33 UTC
I've not been to Chartwell but have been to Blenheim Palace which is very interesting. They do a great guided tour there in part of the palace.
Are you National Trust members?
If I lived in the UK I would certainly be. Or English Heritage. Or both.

What a lovely place! I also love the simplicity of the dining room and the airiness.


kazzy_cee June 25 2023, 07:24:57 UTC
Chartwell is tiny compared to Blenheim - but worth a visit nonetheless.

We became National Trust members last year as we were going to be in a part of the country that has a lot of properties. We managed to visit enough places to make the cost of membership worth it. There aren't so many places around where I live, so we'll have to think carefully about whether or not we'll renew the membership.

I really loved the dining room - apparently Churchill wanted it kept very simple so that there were no distractions from the food and the company :)


lblanchard June 24 2023, 21:08:08 UTC
The house is very impressive. Books in the drawing room! Desks everywhere! I am looking forward to seeing garden pictures if/when you return.

I have never seen a UFO.


kazzy_cee June 25 2023, 07:26:28 UTC
There were book everywhere - apparently they had problems for a few years when the National Trust took over the building as the roof was leaky and the books were getting damp. Fortunately they fixed the roof and saved the books.


heleninwales June 25 2023, 13:09:05 UTC
I've never seen a UFO, though I once taught someone who was sure she had seen one. And then later I taught another woman, a nurse, who'd been a witness to a "UFO" crash in the mountains fairly near here. There were all sorts of conspiracy theories about that one, but I've forgotten the details now as it was years ago when she was telling me about it.


kazzy_cee June 25 2023, 13:19:36 UTC
I'm sure she was convinced about it, but if there has been a crash on Earth I would have thought it has been hushed up fairly quickly! LOL!


heleninwales June 25 2023, 13:30:17 UTC
That would indeed have been difficult to hush up! But then there were other theories that the "UFO" was actually an RAF jet that had crashed. That was entirely believable, but strenuously denied by the MOD. I think in the end it was decided it was probably marsh gas burning after being ignited by lightning.


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