Apr 06, 2009 09:45
ok so I worked on Sunday at the coffeehouse and one customer was the epitome of one of my pet peeves.
Here's how it went:
"Hi what can I get for you?"
"Can I get a cappuccino, but one part decaf?"
"sure i can do that no problem"
"ok, so I want 2 shots regular, 1 shot decaf"
"got it"
"and I need it really dry"
"so don't put any milk in, just a lot of foam"
"yep I got it"
*man walks over to espresso machine with me and watches me, not with the look of interest, but more 'I don't know if this chick knew what I meant so I'm going to watch her and make sure she knows to foam the milk and put in decaf, I don't think I spelled it out enough for her'*
so then I give him the large extra dry part decaf capp, and then he orders a "half sumatra half guatamalan coffee"
"ok, what size would you like? 10 16 or 20 oz?"
"16 oz, and that's half medium and half dark roast"
"yep got it sir thanks."
Now I know it's really lame to bitch about, because the guy has no idea I've been doing it for 5 years and that he is far from the first to give his order, but the fact I didn't question or flinch at his order might indicate that I knew what he was asking for and he didn't need to monitor me like I'm 5.
So moral of my story - when you give your order, if they don't question or verify your order NO NEED EXPLAIN YOUR ORDER ANYWAYS. :)
(my other major pet peeve is ordering 'that vanilla cappuccino from SA')