Apr 19, 2005 18:56
I dunno why I'm posting so much recently, I suppose it's cuz I'm still keeping my distance from a bunch of people so it's my only way to keep people updated... or maybe cuz I'm lonely. Who knows.
Anyways, if ya haven't driven past a gas station lately, gas finally costs less than the cigarettes. YAY! (yeah yeah I know the 1.98 cigarettes are crap and what not but it was depressing to know I gas cost more than cigarrettes) SO I dunno what the price is near everybody else, but it's 1.93 next door to me. Pretty cool.
On a completely different note, my back is spazzing again so I'm useless for most things outside of laying on the couch. Sitting here hurts like a bitch, driving to school... hurt like a bitch. I'm hoping it will be better tomorrow afternoon cuz work will hurt like hell of a bitch otherwise.
That's all I gots for today. Adios.