The end

Apr 30, 2007 21:02

I did it.

I finished M&M.

About 30 seconds ago, I posted the last chapter and now I feel....weird. Is it wrong to become so attached to something? Don't get me wrong, I am proud of the achievement...but I feel a bit odd without having the next chapter looming over me!

There will be the sequel, but that will be SO different. They will all have grown up, they will be out of school. They will be different.

A very strange feeling.

I only cried a little bit when I posted it...its the thank you's that will do me in! I met so many people, and so many really incredible friends. It will be really hard to find the words to explain just how much people have helped me.

I think I'll tackle that tomorrow! ;)

For all of you who want to see - here is the final chapter - Marauders & Mudbloods

m&m, thank you, sad

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