My ideal Marauder Husband!

Jan 24, 2007 10:29


Which Marauder Era Harry Potter character would fall for you?

Your guy is...SIRIUS BLACKYour House: GryffindorYour Best Friend(s): All the other Marauders, minus Pettigrew whom you dont trustHow you met Sirius: You were bewitching Dung bombs to follow Filch around the school and landed yourself in detention. There you met Sirius, and had a long conversation with him while cleaning the trophies in the trophy room as punishment.How you started dating: You and Sirius snuck under the stands of the Quidditch pitch during a Quidditch game one day for a make out session, and afterwards he asked you out. Later you and Sirius had a hard time explaining to James how you both managed to miss his spectacular Snitch catch.How it ended: It lasted on and off throughout the rest of your time at Hogwarts and even a bit afterwards. It didnt officially end until he landed up in Azkaban. If it wasnt for that, you probably would have ended up married.Please rate/message
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