(no subject)

Jan 07, 2007 15:16

Hey guys!

I don't have much to write really, but it's been ages!

Life is on a weird up and down thing at the moment.

My oldest friend, Alexa called me a week ago with the sad news that her mum died. It's so very depressing, and it is making me think some stuff over, while reminding me of when my dad died. Alexa and I have spoken on the phone a few times this week, and have cried and laughed together a bit. I guess it's easy for me to talk to her because I know what she's going through. Still....it is reminding me of times that I keep locked up tight in the back of my mind.

On the plus side....I applied for another job. Not much more to say except please keep your fingers crossed for me! Please!!

I also finally updated my wrestling fic! Woo hoo! Chapter 12 - Life Doesn't Work Like That

fanfic, sad, jobs

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