Icon meme

May 02, 2010 20:26

I haven't sone a meme in ages so I asked spaciireth if I could do this one. :)

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

This is one of a bunch of Calvin and Hobbes icons I made, and actually the quote that inspired them. I was looking for more non-fandom inspired icons, and particularly ones that were education themed.

LOL. This is an example of my completely weird, and probably not funny sense of humour. I hated that episode, but it did make for some good icons. I think this is the only one that ever saw the light of day.

This started life out as a banner, which I had no use for, but liked the llok of, so I shrank it to an icon. I just really liked the image of the Doctor shimmering into existence and watching Rose the moment before she sees him.

Oh, Cam Mitchell, I love you so much. Seasons Nine and Ten of SG-1 aren't the most popular, but I quite liked them. This could be the way I saw the series. I started with Atlantis and then moved on to SG-1, doing the whole lot in about 2 1/2 months (which is nothing - I did all four seasons on FarScape and the the miniseries in 8 days). Also nine and ten have Vala in them.

Anyway, this is one of my favourite quotes.

(made by lifeistoobrevis

Once upon a time, all my icons were made by me, but then I wanted more icons, and I had neither the time, the energy, nor the resources to make more, so I took to the internets. This is a classic Brittany-ism (Glee). I've actually seen a picture of Heather Morris wearing a tee-shirt with this on. And now I want an icon that says, "I think my cat's been reading my diary."

(made by equalizer21

I actually desperately want to make some of my own Fringe icons, but haven't had the time recently. Nor do I currently have a programme to work with. I must d/l Element 8, and make me some quote icons.

Anyway this was pretty and it meant I could have a Fringe icon.

(made by babygirl_sabi

fringe, doctor who, stargate, glee, icons, dalek, meme, fandom, rose tyler, farscape, teaching

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