Title - Homecoming
Author - Kazzy
E-mail address - kazzy@whoever.com
Rating - PG/K+
Spoilers - Uh, it’s been 43 years. I think you’re safe.
Summary - They’ve left the Doctor, but in many ways they’re coming home to world that is as foreign as any they’ve been to yet. It’s not easy to pick up the life you left behind.
Disclaimer - I own Doctor Who.
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Comments 30
Well, obviously as a huge Babs/Ian fan I just love, love, love fic that's about them, let alone about them coming home and falling in love and all that. But leaving that bias aside, this is just a lovely little story, with a lot of great details. Barbara getting her PhD with some first-hand knowledge is a fab touch, and Ian being proud of Barbara for being smart and independent makes me smile and smile.
Very nicely done, and thanks for sharing it.
One of the things that really struck me about Barbara in the episodes I've seen of her is that she is a pretty strong person, as well as being smart. Then she's been through all these things, I couldn't imagine her going back to her old life, and especially not a housewife, which is how so many women ended up back then.
Thank you!
On a Brit-pick note, I'd suggest subsituting 'vicar' (or priest) and 'church' for 'minister' and 'chapel'.
Yeah, I'm a New Zealander so I'm never sure is the language I'm using is from the US or the UK or some random Kiwi-ism. If I get a chance I might go through and change it later!
Thank you!
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