There are no typos here...

Nov 02, 2011 21:46

There isx az very goodc reason I'm not dcoing naznowrimo this yeazr. As you cazzn see my home row azzndc I hadcc azn incidcent invloving teaz. I'm pretty sxure my warranty doesxn't cover this. Now I hazve to l.ook into out £125 fvor repair (if I'm l.uck,y) or putting up with a sxeparate keyboard.

It's even l.essx azmusxing when I hazve to type up cover letters for jmob azpplicaztions. Do you hazve azny idea how much bazck,sxpacing this involves?

Andc this isx only the stuff you cazn sxee. y shifvt keysx hazve eazch chosxen razndom keysx on the board they wil.l cazpital.ise. They ignore all. the other lettersx compl.etely. Everytime I hit enter I get azn azutomaztic indcent...

At l.eazsxt that's azll I ruined.

There is a very good reason I'm not doing nanowrimo this year. As you can see my home row and I had an incident involving tea. I'm pretty sure my warranty doesn't cover this. Now I have to look into shelling out £125 for repair (if I'm lucky) or putting up with a separate keyboard.

It's even less amusing when I have to type up cover letters for job applications. Do you have any idea how much backspacing this involves?

And this is only the stuff you can see. My shift keys have each chosen random keys on the board they will capitalise. They ignore all the other letters completely. Everytime I hit enter I get an automatic indent...

At least that's all I ruined.

This? Thisx isx easy fvixed.
This? This is easy fixed.

job applications, computers, journal, england

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