Title: On the Bridge Between Dreams and Reality
Author: Kazzy/
bytheseaside Rating: FRC/G
Characters: Olivia, Peter, Ella, Nick
Summary: In the blackness Olivia drifts between sleep and wakefulness, not always aware of which is which - the blackness making it impossible for her to even be sure when she’s got her eyes open or closed.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
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This sentence stuck out to me for some reason. I really like it but I can't put my figure on why exactly. It just makes sense to me that she's not terrified. Maybe because in my dreams, strange things will happen but I feel oddly detached from it all like I should feel more freaked out or terrified by what's happening but I'm just not.
But I just love the softness of this piece. Soft seems like the right word. Everything's so strange and surreal and yet it feels like it must be real at the same time. Which works wonderfully with the prompt then ...."On the Bridge Between Dreams and Reality."
I like how you worked in the others in this fic, Nick and Ella and Walter.
And hahaha to the two of them fighting about whose dream it is. That whole exchange is so them with Olivia being all 'Well if it's your dream then why...' and Peter all like 'How in the heck is that logical?' Makes me smile. :)
I like that Peter feels warm. Olivia is in this cold darkness and so she needs his heat. And I associate Peter with energy (the power source) and so he must be warm.
And I just love what he says to her, and how she's stunned by his belief in her. The almost-kiss scene is so beautiful and you touched on it wonderfully in this.
That she feels sand at the end is just so perfect, the ending line is perfect.
Really beautiful work!
Which is exactly what I was aiming for, so it's nice that it came across. I wanted to try and make it like a dream, but give reason to question the reality of it too.
I don't know what else to say, you've said such lovely things about it.
Thank you!
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