Because I've had enough of tearing my hair out over work,
random bit of translation for you guys.
Recochoku has some sort of campaign for the fans to send dramatic "confessions" to the members as part of the promotion for Ayabie's Dramatic single, so in the
interview with Ayabie, they decided to get the members to confess to the person sitting on their right. :x
Also, some bits are just very casual translations, because it's more fun that way -shot-
Aoi "Well, since Intetsu-kun's a bassist…………“Play on my awakening love with your fingers”"
Intetsu "72 marks! I thought the phrase awakening love was good, but I'm taking some marks off because you hesitated. And to my former classmate Takehito, "We made a promise in high school, so don't you think it's about time we started living together?”"
Takehito "……I had goosebumps for a moment! [['re not alone.........]] It's not even funny so I'm giving it 3 marks! is what I wanted to say, but I guess it was kind of dramatic. If I express that feeling [of how dramatic I thought it was] I'll give it 93 marks. To Yumehito, "Let's be the twin guitars of the night together" or something like that"
Everyone "That's a nice one! (dying of lol)"
Yumehito "You cleverly linked it to our roles, so. 100 marks! Well, to Kenzo, I'll say “I'll shave your moustache for you everyday”"
Kenzo "Let me do it myself (laughs). But, it was interesting so I'll give it about 90 marks. As for me [to Aoi], hmm……“Please take care of me together with Shiratama (Aoi's pet dog)”"
Aoi "That was unexpected! I thought you were going to say it from a superior point of view but instead you said it from the lower end. 99 marks for this. 100 marks will go to something by the viewers, so, all of us will be waiting for the full-marks confessions from all of you"