Anyway. Yes. Due to certain reasons, this journal is now FRIENDS-ONLY, meaning you can only see my entries if you have an LJ account and are added to my list as a friend. I will add almost anyone who adds me first, unless I know you offline. I don't necessarily have anything to hide, but this journal just contains my thoughts and emotions about everything that happens in my life, as it happens. I'm very shy and would rather keep this journal to my close friends whom I know online.
Anyway. If you'd like to be added to my list, reply to this entry and I'll add you. If this is the first time you've stumbled upon me and my journal, then please read my LJ info page to get a rough idea of what I'm like and what sort of stuff I'm into. Though, I'm warning you; I tend to ramble about anything and everything. Most people have no clue what the hell I ramble about at the time. But that's okay. It's just known that I love music, video games and Trigun is my god damned lifeblood. Oh, and I'm currently an aspiring artist.
That'll be all.