A Year Full of Love: Happy One Year Anniversary To Me

Jan 10, 2010 10:07

A/N: this blog post was the continuation of my post before "Today was the the day i met him". because i was inspired by my favorite Ryoda author, swedish_weirdo to write something about what i had done already to the Fandom...

December 3, 2008 was the day i started to fangirl Kamenashi Kazuya... the day when i saw the beautiful man dancing gracefully and was amazed about the way he changes the color of his polo shirt while dancing from time to time... A hot star from Japan, named Kamenashi Kazuya was the one who changed my life and put it to a more colorful one~[some of you knew already my story so i wont go into details anymore]

Who and What are the reasons why i am here?
First, it's because of HIM... Kame.. the love of my life~ some of my friends told me "believed me Claire~ you won't stay long, magsasawa ka din, para lang yan Harry Potter, Gossip Girl and Twilight na napagsawaan mo na before" and even my cousin dare me to a game "pustahan" I have to prove to her that i will stay long and have at least 1 year in the fandom, if i won she will give me reprints then if she won i have to give her the book she wants... [glad that i won ^^, and now i'm waiting for my reprints]... those people who know me, you know how much i love this guy and how important he is to me~ and hell yeah! i'm so crazy over him... and i don't care on what you think of me~~ call me what you want~ "CRAZY" "WEIRDO" or whatever it is, i don't care~ as long as i am happy and not causing in any harm i will continue the things i love to do..

Second, it was about YOU.. yes YOU...my fandom friends
Mica, my everlasting ka-fangirl~ the one who introduce Kame to me and the rest of KAT-TUN and NEWS and the rest of the fandom.. i owe you so much... thank you so much..

My sis~ Bamn and Mitch~ you know how much i treasure you both... thanks for helping me and loving me~ accepting me who i am... you are my friends that i know who is ready to fight for me~ when someone do something bad to me~ i love you both and i miss you very much

My another AKAMEPI wives, we are totally strangers to each other, i don't even remember how we'd know each other.. i just know that one of us comment on someones blog and then we started to respond to each other~ i only remember the first time that Jumi~ first called me "MARE" and i really felt happy because i know to myself that i gained a friend again~ Jumi and Gee~ thank you for the friendship..i love you both and to Do, i love you too girl.. i was so touched of what you gave to us~ i really didn't expect~ hope to meet you someday..

and to other fangirls you know who you are [and i apologized if i don't mentioned your names anymore] thank you for helping me out~ your updates really helped me a lot.

What have this one year of being in this fandom brought me?
it had brought me to a colorful life...
i've watched all Kamenashi's drama even downloaded all of them and bought dvds..
i bought HD so i can store more videos and pictures on my laptop, completed all CTKT episodes [of course with the help of Mica and Bamn]..
watched all KAT-TUN and NEWS concerts~
downloaded all the videos related about them and now i already have more than 500 videos of them or even 1000... heheh^^,
collect all their photos and magazine scans but mostly Kame, more than 2000 photos i think~
my ipod doesn't have any English songs anymore~~ full of JPOP and KPOP songs
i've joined all KAT-TUN and NEWS and other JE related communities at LJ and other blog spots
besides for KAT-TUN and NEWS i've started to fangirl other fandom like HSJ,ARASHI,SUJU[though i knew them since i was hs], BIGBANG and 2ne1 and some other Kpop artist...
i bought je stuffs~ uchiwas,cds and dvds,photobooks and other related stuffs..
i attend fan meet ups and gain friends.. i even decorated my room with clippings,posters and pin-ups
i'm addicted to BL because of RYODA and AKAME and even EUNHAE~
and every time i watch Kame's new video or even see a new photo of him, tears always follow.. the joy of seeing him always really makes me emotional...

again thank you to all of you.. Happy One Year Anniversary to me~

and finally i met my mare~ GEE... another Mrs. Tomo of my Life~

[Akamepi Wives~ gee,jumi,me... holding the bookmark that DO gave to us]

[and thank to my mare gee~ for giving Kame to me~ i so love it]

[and to Chongma Com~ thanks for welcoming me~ hope to know you more~]

and this was the reason why i am too early at SM NORTH

[tags that i gave to my mare~ hope you like it both]

[and finally the stuffs that i want from btr is now completed]



                                                                           [MY ONE AND ONLY KYOUHEI]


-AIKAME 2010-


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