Aug 18, 2009 00:51
So humid...
Why did my ancient freon-using aircon have to die the day before this massive humidity hit? Life, that's just cruel. Really, really cruel. Oh suuuure, keep it working when the weather wasn't so bad, but the second aircon would be handy to have, *DEAD*. ;___;
I've never seen ice melt so fast in my apartment before. This feels as hot as when my heater was on full-blast last summer. Even varying stages of nakedness have done little to alleviate the heat. Poor Mina is passed out on the bathroom tiles, I've never seen her so hot.
Granted, I gave her a quick cool rub-down with a chilled paper towel. She didn't like it at first, but I think she's learned to appreciate it.
Aaaauuggghhhhhhhhhh bbl when I'm not dripping to death.
god hates me,